Avoid Any Claim Hiccups with These Essential Steps Automobile

Accidents can be stressful if you don’t know what to do Most motorists who have been involved in an automobile accident can attest to the fact that dealing with the aftermath can be a nightmare. As part of an effort to help clarify what would happen next and ease some of the stress associated with these types of events, The Insurance Center would like to share the steps motorists should take immediately after an accident. “Accidents usually cause a whirlwind of emotions that could leave moto...
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An Annual Insurance Review Can Help Close Any Gaps in Coverage

The beginning of the year is typically a good time to evaluate your insurance coverage needs. As your family grows and the dynamics around your household changes, The Insurance Center encourages you to take a comprehensive look at your auto, home, and life insurance needs to close any gaps in coverage that may exist and to adjust any policy terms as needed. Robert J. Sammon, President of The Insurance Center, explains that families will usually look for savings in all the wrong places. “Polic...
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